Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two Month Progress Report

DISCLAIMER: The author is not a doctor nor nutritionist. The author will not be offering advice for the reader to follow. Before starting any diet or exercise program be sure to consult with your medical practitioner. This blog was created for the express purpose of reporting the individual results of the author's weight loss and cholesterol lowering program.

Two months ago I decided to begin a weight-loss and cholesterol-lowering project, based on findings at my last physical.

The exer-cycle was dragged from it's storage shed, oiled and dusted off and put to use.

At the beginning of the exercise portion of this process, I weighed 215 pounds. After two months of exer-cycling at 15 miles per day, burning 1300 calories in 39 minutes of pedaling Monday~Friday each week, and modifying my diet to avoid the high fat items I weighed myself this morning.

My total weight loss for two months of effort is now 13.5 pounds! I will continue this regimen until I reach the 190 pound range, and eventually want to get down to 185 pounds or so. I may need to exercise a bit more, but not sure I want to subject my fifty-five year old knees to any more abuse?

The cholesterol lowering process includes 1/4-teaspoon of ground cinnammon mixed into whole-grain cereal two times per day. I will wait another month to get my lab work to see if I have dropped my LDL-cholesterol level to a more normal measure, than the pre-diabetes amount my doctor initially reported.

Stay tuned to more exciting news! I am enjoying the blogging experience, and your comments will provide me with even more encouragement! Respectfully, Nicholas

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